

18 miles west of Fossil, Oregon is the 1,969 acre Clarno Unit of the John Day Fossil Beds.
Exhibits, hiking trails and picnic areas are provided for visitors.
The Palisade cliffs are a prominent feature of the Clarno Unit and were formed from volcanic mudflows 44 million years ago.
A huge diversity of fossils are found in these mudflows preserving the last moments of small four-toed horses,
massive rhino-like brontotheres, crocodilians, and carnivorouse creodonts.

Located in the beautiful Butte Creek Valley three miles west of Fossil, Oregon
This 9,000 acre working cattle ranch is rich in history and love with seven pristine dude ranch style guest rooms.
Your hosts are Phil and Nancy Wilson are fifth generation Oregonians, whose families homesteaded in
Wheeler and Gilliam Counties over 100 years ago.

We guarantee Joy for the Heart, Peace for the Soul, and Memories for a Lifetime!
Wilson Ranches Retreat
16555 Butte Creek Rd., Fossil, OR 97830

Painted Hills Unit
The Painted Hills Unit is 9 miles northwest of Mitchell, off Highway 26.
Sheep Rock Unit
The Sheep Rock Unit is on Highway 19 between Dayville and Kimberly.
Fossil Weather
View the current weather conditions in Fossil
Fossil Map
Plan your visit.
Fossil Hotels
Fossil Motels and Hotels.
Contact OregonTravels.com
PO Box 1475
Medford, OR 97501
